Is God Sleeping?

Maybe you've been pouring your heart out to the Lord, just requesting him for aid, and wisdom, and help. And it just seems like there's no answer. You wonder, well is God hearing me? Or is he just sleeping up there in heaven?

Matthew 8:23-27

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Have you ever felt as if God is sleeping? Maybe you’re going through a particular difficult time and you wonder Does God really see what is going on? What’s he doing, sleeping up there in heaven? Or maybe you’ve been pouring your heart out to the Lord, just requesting him for aid, and wisdom, and help. And it just seems like there’s no answer. You wonder, well is God hearing me? Or is he just sleeping up there in heaven?

The disciples felt that way. And maybe for good cause. In Matthew chapter eight we read a story of Jesus entering the boat with the disciples it says.

When he got into a boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly a terrible storm came up on the sea, so that their boat was covered by the waves. But Jesus was sleeping. They went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to die!”
He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up, rebuked the wind and the sea, and there was a complete calm.
The men were amazed, saying, “What kind of a man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!” (Matthew 8:23-27)

In the middle of a storm, Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat. The disciples, worried and concerned that they were going to die, went and woke him up. And yet he said Why are you afraid? Why are you worried? Ye of little faith.

Jesus had given promises to the disciples that he would make them fishers of men. If they were to die at that point, Jesus’ promise wouldn’t be fulfilled. So what Jesus was really pointing out was that they didn’t trust his promise. They didn’t trust that Jesus would fulfill it and that they would become fishers of men. So in their worry and concern, their fear, they doubted the promises of God.

God has given you promises too. That he will work all things for you good. That he will be with you throughout life’s trials and that in the end he will give you the victory and take you to be with Him in Heaven. It may be the’re times like the disciples where you doubt those promises. You wonder if he really will bless you and work things for you good. In moments like that. I encourage you to look to the cross of Jesus.

Jesus didn’t leave you high and dry in your greatest need. No, he suffered and he died. He poured out his blood in payment for your sins so that you could have the blessing of God’s love and mercy. If Jesus was willing to do that, if he was willing to keep his word to you to forgive your sins even though it required him dying, is there anything that he won’t do for you?

He will certainly keep his promise to love you and work all things for your good. He’s not sleeping. He may be testing your faith. He may be seeing if you really trust him. But he will always keep his word. So trust him. In the storms of life when it seems like you’re going to go down, trust Jesus. He loves you and will get you safely to the shore of heaven. May his peace be with you. Amen.

Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166